Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

Rejoice my Fellow Horides! For now no 70 should be without their phat lewtz. As you all know with the beginning of season 3, the season 1 gear is now available to an old player who will dedicated her/his time to amassing 27k honor and a collection of AV or EoTS marks (shouldn't take more then 2 weeks even very casually). This is great for CI, in our goal to achieve Kara we now can get very decent gear without the horrible dying that it will require to get all our rising 70 into heroics.

So beyond that wonderful news we had some rough times in PVP today pwned a little WSG and then got a series of Premades, and even some kind of super PUG. We avoided 5 cap by the skin of our teath in AB and while we put up a good fight in EoTS still went down, in WSG we farmed kills for 20 minutes until their druid finally decided he was sick of watching his friends die and capped. Well maybe i spoke to soon on that 50% thing, but i still think i was up 2 at the end of the day.

Kill some gnomes 4 me,

Monday, November 26, 2007

Holy for Bling...

I came across a great sig line the other day, and I saw in it both great wisdom and truth.
Holy for Bling
Protection for Kings
Ret for Wings

Now I know we all cannot wait for the glory of 2.3.2, but the truth is Ark has needed some stuff to flush out his damage set. So I speced holy 5 mins later I was healing in heroics collecting badges and getting free epix. Good times, deep down I hate holy but I will survive for now. On the plus side dailies do not require DPS, just skill with bombing.

On a side note I will get a screenie of Ark and CI up in the next few days. I'm still working on this whole blog thing. Well hugs to the Horde!


Saturday, November 24, 2007

War!? What is it Good For?

So new AV, What has it taught us? That defense is actually not a waste of time! I live in fear of the day the whole of the alliance decide to sit on that stupid bridge and kill us all. On the plus side with the all the towers we would probably still win that, but it would be ugly.

However in the two i was in today the battle was so one sided we still had nearly 480 when the game finished. Bliz still says win lose is around 50/50 but if the horde is losing 50% of their games it isn't happening on our battle group.

All and all I have to say thumbs up on the changes, no more AV races. I wonder what they will do next. I continue to vote DoTA.

All Right Sweet Hearts, What are you waiting for?

Welcome One and All,
This Blog will be dedicated to the WoW crowed. Really its just a place for me to record my thoughts and ideas concerning playing World of Warcraft and the many Issues involved in that.
I play on Arygos, Character Arkhan, and my guild is Chaos Incarnate, we are still a pretty young guild getting our second wave of 70 up and active.

Well that will do for an introduction.

Props to my Peeps,